By Schiffmacher

We had the honor to create greatness together with Henk Schiffmacher. For those who don’t know him, he’s a LEGEND in tattoo art. And he has a passion for sharp knives. That’s where we come in!
Henk is a Dutch butcher's son so his love for sturdy knives goes way back. One day, we got in touch, came up with some ideas that would be fun to make, and decided right there and then – why the hell not?
So, there you have it… Our By Schiffmacher series
Together, we designed badass tools for everyday use: Chef’s Knife, Chopping Block, Steak Knives, and the Man’s Ruin set.
The tattoos Henk creates are masterpieces. Most times he just draws what he comes up with on the spot. He finds his inspiration in different tattoo styles: Polynesian, jail block, Danish classics, and French history. Every dot and every line has its story. We are proud to have embodied these stories with our tools.